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[Edit group][Changes]Binary Stars

A binary star is a stellar system consisting of two stars orbiting around their center of mass. For each star, the other is its companion star. Recent research suggests that a large percentage of stars are part of systems with at least two stars. Binary star are very important in astrophysics, because observing their mutual orbits allows their mass to be determined. The masses of many single stars can then be determined by extrapolations made from the observation of binaries. Thanks -

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Antaresε CMaα Cruε Sgrα And
Algolγ Cenδ Oriη Ophβ Dra
β TrAMiraAlbireoγ Cepη Ser
γ Araη Oriδ Virη Casβ Lyr
δ Booβ Cncε Tauδ Gemχ Dra
β Del23 UMaγ Virβ Aqlη Ara
α Delγ Leoδ TrAHD 11744070 Oph
ε TrACS Camβ Sctα Capα Cnc
β Sgrε Retδ Tucε TelHD 92397
HD 113703101 Aqrδ TauB Vel25 CVn
η CapHD 73389F Cenβ Tucε Boo
γ Delα LibHD 69863α Comη Ant
41 Capη CMiHD 73390χ Aql15 Boo
107 AqrD Cen20 LMiχ Tau57 Cnc
ι Apsχ Sgr41 Araε Tri47 Boo
α CVnγ VolGliese 77719 CVnHD 38529
55 Cnc16 Cyg61 Cyg3 Cenη Car
γ CaeHD 75289γ CruGroombridge 183083 Leo
ι Cncο Cap24 CncCyg X-1HD 80606
HD 80607Gliese 623Gliese 229JB 668-991

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